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Friday March 25, 2011
Quick Look: Yakuza 4

Get comfy, sweetheart. This could take a while.

Thursday March 24, 2011
Thursday Night Throwdown: 03/24/11

SSSSSSSSSSSshhhhhhhh...we play Crysis 2 while the office gremlins run amok!

Randy Pitchford on the Duke Nukem Forever Delay

At least they've got a sense of humor about it.

Kratos Gets Loose On Some MK Guys

PS3 owners: here's what you'll get in your version of Mortal Kombat.

Quick Look: Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime

Ryan and Vinny return to the Sedgewick once again to put the bust on some ethereal beings.

Tuesday March 22, 2011
Quick Look: Crysis 2

If you're looking for some exquisitely rendered giant donuts, Crysis 2 has you covered.

J. K. Simmons Sells You Portals

Portal 2, out soon!

The Tall Tale of Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One

Captain Qwark has some grave words for you. Heed his call!

Quick Look: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood: The Da Vinci Disappearance

Ryan and Vinny return to Roma to track down some lost paintings and their missing creator.

Monday March 21, 2011
iPad Love Mondays: 03/21/2011

With the power of technology! I'm sorry, did I say technology? I meant MAGIC!!!

How to Play Deus Ex: Human Revolution's First Mission

Learn to stab guys all future-style!

More on the Classes of Brink

Learn yourself up on the combat roles in Splash Damage's next shooter.

Friday March 18, 2011
Whiskey Media: Happy Hour 03/18/11

Remember, it's slightly less bad to spill a beer if it's for science!

PAX East 2011: BattleBlock Theater Interview

Ryan gets the lowdown on the Behemoth's latest project from art director Dan Paladin.

PAX East 2011: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet Interview

Brad chats with the artistic and game development forces behind this intriguing downloadable.

Thursday Night Throwdown: 03/17/11

Some special guests stop by for TNT and things get a bit...interesting.

Mortal Kombat: More Raiden

"Hey, Liu Kang, want to watch me do some combos?"

Thursday March 17, 2011
PAX East 2011: The Floor, Games, and More!

We hit the floor at PAX: East and get some time with Trenched, Warp, and Shoot Many Roboooooooooooooots!

PAX East 2011: Erik Wolpaw Mentions Portal 2

Jeff and the writer of Portal 2 discuss midgets, Demon's Souls, and occasionally Portal 2's single-player.

PAX East 2011: Portal 2 Single-Player Demo

Check out Portal 2's first few minutes and get acquainted with the head of Aperture Science.