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Saturday April 30, 2011
Whiskey Media: Happy Hour 04/29/11

Don't turn around! That free-for-all Happy Hour has a bad habit of sneaking up on you.

Friday April 29, 2011
Here Is a Shadows of the Damned Developer Diary

Oh Suda, you make the best developer diaries.

Quick Look: Nin2-Jump

Brad and Jeff get set for some charity nin-ing in this nin-sized look.

Need For Speed: The Run Teaser Trailer

Cannonball from SF to NY in this Frostbite 2-powered driving game from Black Box.

Quick Look: Hector

Ryan and Matt discover wonderful things hiding under their mattress...

Thursday April 28, 2011
Thursday Night Throwdown: 04/28/11

We gleam the cube to find the best skateboardists this side of a dial-up connection.

Quick Look EX: Dungeon Siege III

Pack your lunches as Ryan is joined by the folks at Obsidian for one heck of a siege.

Hunted's "Descent into Mystery"

Lucy Lawless and the team at inXile talk about the storyline of Hunted.

Tanner's Driving in San Francisco

No mention of that whole "coma" thing in here, but plenty of driving.

Quick Look: Cargo: The Quest for Gravity

We don't need your fancy designer drugs to have FUN!

Wednesday April 27, 2011
The First Templar: Meet Marie

She's a lady, and... I don't know, she'll fight a guy? She'll fight lots of guys.

Say "Ahoy" to Lego Pirates of the Caribbean

Shiver me timbers? Is that the appropriate thing to say here?

Some Rip-Roaring Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Footage

Just look at all those faaaaaaaaabulous guns!

Even More of Bangai-O HD


Quick Look: Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection

Brad and Jeff relive what some consider the best Final Fantasy, this time on the PSP.

Quick Look: Darkspore

Ryan and Brad swap out their arms for Wolverine claws in this dark (and bloody!) Spore evolution.

Tuesday April 26, 2011
Mortal Monday: An MK Retrospective

Ah, the good old days.

This Is Gatling Gears

It's a downloadable, top-down, dual-joystick shooter!

F.E.A.R. 3: The Story So Far

Catch up with the lovable F.E.A.R. gang with this Cliff's Notes of a trailer!

Get Into the Mood with Child of Eden

That...didn't sound as dirty in my head.