よみうり入試必勝講座 WITH代々木ゼミナール


次の文章は2011年9月6日に THE DAILY YOMIURI に掲載された ‘University must disclose info for sake of students, firms’という見出しの社説です。これを読み、以下の設問に答えなさい。なお、* のついた語句には注があります。

University must disclose info* for sake of students, firms

    Many  universities and colleges are still not (  A  ) themselves in the shoes of  would-be students or companies hoping to hire graduating students. They must disclose more widely and openly the  information these parties need.
    Universities  and colleges have been legally required since April this year to disclose such  information as how many people they have enrolled and their annual teaching  plans. The enforcement regulations of  the School Education Law were (  B  ) so high school students and others planning  to go to universities and colleges could take advantage (  a  )  such information. Universities have  since put information on their Web sites in an effort to attract students.
    However, we think the action is meaningless, as the law only requires such basic data as  the number of professors and instructors, tuition and school fees, and an outline of facilities and buildings.
    High school  students and other applicants want to know what the universities teach and what  kind of knowledge and abilities they can acquire there. (1)In many cases, the universities are not voluntarily  revealing detailed data on which companies and industries graduates have entered, students’ dropout rates or surveys of  student satisfaction.
    Applicants  really need this information (  b  ) selecting the schools they want to attend.
Clarify assessments of students
    Companies that  plan to hire graduating students have said they want universities to clarify  their standards for (  C  ) students’performances. It is a natural demand for the companies, which would like to secure even slightly  more talented students than their competitors.
    Some universities are reluctant because they think potential students would reject  their institutions if they disclose various raw data. (2)Apparently, they are trying to avoid disclosing  information that could adversely affect recruitment, due to the fierce competition among  universities to secure students amid the low birth rate.
    However, the universities have been (  D  )  injections of public funds in the form of subsidies* for specific purpose and  grants*. Therefore, they have a social responsibility to fulfill  their duty to provide clear explanations.  (  c  ) institutions of higher education  responsible for human resources development, they should not be allowed to recruit students without disclosing  information that might be inconvenient to the universities.
    If universities  have problems with their operations, they must reveal their status and introduce corrective measures, while calling (  d  )  the understanding of applicants and their parents.
    It is important  for each university to use such information disclosure to examine its  organization and curriculum, and improve the education they provide.
Databases for foreign students
    Meanwhile, an expert panel* with the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and  Technology Ministry last month proposed the creation of a database for aggregating*  information provided (  e  ) the universities. It should be designed to enable users to compare  several universities simultaneously online, according to the panel.
    Each university  should be urged to improve the information they provide.
    Japanese  universities lag behind (3)their Western counterparts in  enrolling students from foreign countries.  If the government uses its creativity to (  E  )  foreign students who want to study at Japanese universities to utilize such a  database, it would help  this country promote the internationalization of its universities.
    Creating foreign-language versions of a university  database is also a pending issue for the government.

info = information

問1 空所( A )〜( E )に入れるのに最も適当な語を次の中から選び、必要に応じて適切な形に改めなさい。ただし、1語で答えること。なお、同じ語を2回以上選んではいけません。
問2 空所( a )〜( e )に入れるのに最も適当な語を次の中から選びなさい。ただし、文頭に来る語も小文字で示してあります。なお、同じ語を2回以上選んではいけません。
問3 下線部(1)を和訳しなさい。
問4 下線部(2)を和訳しなさい。
問5 下線部(3)の具体的な意味内容を5字以内の日本語で記しなさい。
問6 本文の内容と一致しないものを、次のア〜キの中から2つ選びなさい。
  • ア 大学は、志望者や採用先の企業などの観点に立って情報を公開すべきである。
  • イ 学校教育法で大学に公開が義務づけられているのは、入学者数や年間授業計画、授業料、就職実績といった基本的な情報だけである。
  • ウ 企業は大学側に、学生の成績評価の基準を明確にしてほしいと思っている。
  • エ 少子化の影響で大学間の学生獲得競争が激しくなっているため、大学はあらゆるデータを公開して学生の募集に役立てようとしている。
  • オ 大学は公的資金を投入されている以上、大学にとって不都合な情報も開示する社会的責任がある。
  • カ 経営に問題のある大学は、実態を明らかにして経営改善の努力をすべきである。
  • キ 文部科学省のある専門委員会は、利用者がウェブ上で各大学を同時に比較できるようなデータベースの構築を提言している。
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