ニュース 速報 YOMIURI ONLINE(読売新聞)

読売新聞記事データベース ヨミダス歴史館  

Terms of Use of the YOMIDAS REKISHIKAN Service


 The YOMIDAS REKISHIKAN Service (hereafter called “Service”) is a database of Yomiuri Shimbun and Daily Yomiuri articles provided under the name “YOMIDAS REKISHIKAN” by The Yomiuri Shimbun Tokyo (hereafter called “Yomiuri”) on the Internet.

 Yomiuri will provide corporations and institutions (hereafter called “User”) with Service after they have agreed to the Terms of Use of the YOMIDAS REKISHIKAN Service (hereafter called “Terms of Use”) and have completed an application form that has been accepted by Yomiuri following necessary registration procedures.

Article 1. Scope of and amendment to Terms of Use

 Terms of Use described here apply to Yomiuri, marketing agencies and any user pertaining to matters regarding use of Service.

 Yomiuri reserves the right to amend Terms of Use mentioned here and other related documents without prior notification. The amended Terms of Use will take effect when these terms are displayed on the Service screen by Yomiuri.

Article 2. Copyright and other rights

 The copyright of Service and the database that constitutes Service belong to Yomiuri. Copyright and other rights of data, such as articles, pictures, images, dictionaries and glossaries contained in Service and the database belong to the rightful claimant of the respective data.

Article 3. Forms of Service

 Service is available in the following two forms:

1.Fixed Terminal Type: Service charges are determined by the number of terminals designated by User to access Service.

2.Simultaneous Access Type: Service can be accessed up to a stipulated number of times through the IP address of User’s designated server.

Article 4. Users

1.Service is, in principle, provided for educational institutions, public libraries, private corporations and governmental organizations.

2.Parties not mentioned above may sign a contract for Service if they agree to Terms of Use and pay fees as stipulated in a separate document and in accordance with the procedure set by Yomiuri.

Article 5. Period of contract

 The contract period is one (1) year, and will automatically be extended by one (1) year unless User notifies Yomiuri that it wishes to terminate the contract.

Article 6. Contract for use of Service

1. A contract becomes valid after the applicant receives notification from Yomiuri following submission of a completed Service application form to either Yomiuri or the marketing agent.

2. Application to use Service can also be made online (http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/rekishikan/) with the contract coming into effect after Yomiuri issues notification of completion of User’s contract.

3. User must immediately notify Yomiuri or the marketing agent, through a designated procedure, when any change is made to details given in User’s registration application, such as name or address. Notification of changes in User’s registration application can also be made online (http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/rekishikan/).

Article 7. Acceptance of application

 Yomiuri reserves the right to refuse User’s registration application, or nullify User’s registration if the application has already been accepted, for the following reasons:

1.User has had a previous registration nullified due to such reasons as violation of Terms of Use.

2.User has provided false information, made significant errors and/or failed to complete items in the application form.

3.User fails to make payment of Service charges.

Article 8. Provision of Service

1.Yomiuri may change and/or add to Service at any time without notifying User.

2.Yomiuri may suspend Service for a certain period of time for maintenance purposes and/or unanticipated events without giving prior notice to User.

Article 9. Fees for Service

1.Fees are stipulated in a separate document.

2.Yomiuri reserves the right to amend fees at any time after giving prior notification to User.

3.In the event Service is used for less than one (1) month, payment will be charged for one (1) full month.

4.User must pay for Service in accordance with the procedure set by Yomiuri or by the marketing agent. User can select either monthly payments or lump sum payment for one (1) year.

Article 10. Management of ID, password

1.User must take appropriate measures to ensure the ID and password issued by Yomiuri is secure.

2.The ID and password issued to User can be used only by that User. The ID and password must not be lent, transferred or revealed to a third party.

3.If User discovers that the ID or password has been acquired by a third party, User must notify Yomiuri immediately.

Article 11. Use of Service at libraries

 If User is a library, the use of Service permitted to a visitor to the library is stipulated as follows:

1. A visitor is permitted to print out at one time at a designated terminal:

 (1) Headline search results: up to 1,000

 (2) Articles data: up to 50

 (3) Personality data: up to 50

2. A visitor is prohibited from printing out more than one copy of one piece of data or making copies of data already printed out.

3. A visitor is permitted to print out data provided through Service no more than two times per day.

4. When the library has its own rules concerning the use of Service, the smaller numerical figures take precedence over other stipulations.

Article 12. Prohibited activities

1.User is permitted to use Service only for personal reasons. However, even though complying with this restriction, User should not use Service to commit an offense against public order or against socially accepted ideas.

2.Although permitted to print out data on articles and news pages, User is prohibited from printing out such data or photocopying printouts for a third party.

3.User is prohibited from copying or storing data on a floppy disk, CD-ROM, DVD or any other type of electronic media, except for the electronic storage facility on a designated terminal. User is also prohibited from using e-mail to transmit data to him/herself or to a third party.

4.User is prohibited from selling, distributing, lending or publishing data or copying data for a third party without written permission from Yomiuri.

5.User is also prohibited from conducting acts that:

—Inconvenience and/or cause problems for Yomiuri, the marketing agent and/or a third party or could hamper operation of Service.

—Violate copyrights and other rights of Yomiuri, the marketing agent and/or a third party.

—Defame, slander, libel and/or obstruct the business of Yomiuri, the marketing agent and/or a third party.

Article 13. Termination of contract

1.When User wishes to terminate the contract, User must complete the designated termination form and submit it to Yomiuri or the marketing agent one (1) month prior to expiration of the contract. IP address verification, ID and password will be invalidated at a date to be decided by Yomiuri.

2.Yomiuri may nullify a contract when User is deemed to have violated the terms mentioned in this document, after giving User prior notification.

3.Payment already made by User that wishes to terminate the contract will not be refunded.

4.When requested by Yomiuri, User should, in accordance with the procedure set by Yomiuri, dispose of data obtained illegally through Service and/or their copies. This provision does not preclude Yomiuri from seeking payment of damages.

Article 14. Exemption Clause

1.Yomiuri and the marketing agent will not take responsibility for any damage incurred to User resulting from use of Service, suspension of Service or termination of contract.

2.Yomiuri and the marketing agent do not guarantee that User’s computer(s) and software will function properly when using Service.

Article 15. Principles of Fidelity and Sincerity

 If an incident not stipulated above occurs, all parties will resolve the matter in a manner based on the principles of fidelity and sincerity.

Compiled on Feb. 1, 2009

Alterations to this document are prohibited.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
