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New dictionary on sale

The Yomiuri Shimbun

A Japanese-English dictionary of keywords used in domestic and international news reporting, compiled by The Daily Yomiuri and published by Tokyodo Publishing Co., has been put on sale.

"Saishin Nyusu Eigo Jiten" (A Dictionary of Keywords in News) lists about 7,000 terms that frequently appear in newspaper, television and other media reports, including newly coined and technical terms. Hard-to-translate expressions peculiar to the Japanese language also are included.

For easy reference, the 496-page dictionary is divided into seven major categories--politics, business, city news/culture, international news, military affairs/security, science/technology/environment and sports.

The up-to-the-minute dictionary incorporates a large number of footnotes, commentaries, charts and illustrations to give users a better understanding of and in-depth information about a variety of topics. It also lists laws, treaties, government offices and major corporations.

We hope "Saishin Nyusu Eigo Jiten," the fruit of 50 years of extensive news reporting by The Daily Yomiuri, will serve as an indispensable reference not only to English-language learners, but also translators, interpreters, journalists and other professionals.

"Saishin Nyusu Eigo Jiten," priced at 2,730 yen, tax included, is on sale at bookstores nationwide. You may also order a copy of the dictionary through Tokyodo's Web site at:

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