よみうり入試必勝講座 WITH代々木ゼミナール


次の文章は,2011年8月2日にTHE DAILY YOMIURIに掲載された“1 year passes with no death-row executions”という見出しの記事です。これを読み,以下の設問に答えなさい。なお,*のついた語句には注があります。

    There are now 120 prisoners on *death row, the most ever, but more than one year has passed since a prisoner has been executed. *Justice Minister Satsuki Eda has indicated he does not intend to authorize any executions in the immediate future, but (1)questions have been raised about whether it is appropriate that executions have essentially stopped due to the personal beliefs of the justice minister.  The most recent execution took place in July last year.
    Early last month, Katsuyuki Nishikawa, chief of the *Justice Ministry’s Criminal Affairs Bureau, and others entered Eda’s office on the 19th floor of the ministry building and presented the minister with documents showing the number of death row inmates had reached an all-time high.  The documents (  a  ) to items in the *Criminal Procedure Code that stipulate the execution of death row inmates should be carried out at the order of the justice minister, and take place within six months of the death sentence being finalized.
    Nishikawa and the others wanted to get a response from Eda that would establish if the minister actually intended to order executions. According to sources, Eda rejected their implicit request.  “An internal study group formed last August is still (  b  ) the matter,” Eda said.
    Eda has expressed reservations about the system of capital punishment.  In an exclusive interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun conducted on July 26, he said, “False charges can be revoked in retrials, but this is impossible after a person has been executed.”  After the interview appeared on Thursday, the ministry received many calls of protest from the public over Eda’s remarks.
    Few justice ministers have publicly indicated reluctance to authorize executions. Megumu Sato, who became justice minister in 1990, refused to sign any execution orders, but disclosed this stance publicly only after having left the post.  When Seiken Sugiura took up the post of justice minister in 2005, he said, “I won’t sign execution orders.”  He later retracted the remark, but did not authorize any executions during his 10-month tenure.
    During the past year, the number of death row inmates has risen by 13.  In that period, death penalties have been finalized in 16 cases, (  c  ) two trials conducted under the *lay judge system.  Three of those convicts died due to illness, and no executions have been carried out.  The 120 prisoners on death row include Chizuo Matsumoto, 56, founder of the Aum Supreme Truth cult; 11 senior members of the cult; and Masumi Hayashi, 50, convicted over a case of curry poisoning in Wakayama.
    The yearlong halt on execution orders is partly (  d  ) to the frequent replacement of justice ministers under the *Democratic Party of Japan-led administration. Keiko Chiba on July 28 last year signed the order for the most recent execution conducted in this nation.  She was replaced as justice minister by Minoru Yanagida, who was “[  A  ] favor of capital punishment,” according to a senior official at the Justice Ministry, but was ditched as minister only two months after being appointed.  He was replaced by Yoshito Sengoku, who was kept extremely busy as he also doubled as *chief cabinet secretary.  He continued as justice minister for only two months before being succeeded by current Justice Minister Satsuki Eda.
    A senior official at the ministry said Yanagida and Sengoku simply were not in office long enough to order any executions. “(2)[to / several / decide / takes / months / it] on executions, because the minister needs to read up on the court documents about the inmate,” the official said.
    In August last year, Chiba    while she was still justice minister    set up a study group to examine the application of the death penalty.  However, the group’s discussions have not yet produced any significant results. Eda said in the interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun that it would be difficult to order any executions while discussions about the death penalty are (3)under way. The panel, the meetings of which are closed to the public [  A  ] principle, has so far solicited opinions from organizations that advocate abolition of the death penalty, and groups that represent victims of crime.  It has not been decided when the panel will present its conclusion.
    “The death sentence is the only penalty that is applied according to the orders of the justice minister.  The minister should consider global trends,” Eda said in the interview with The Yomiuri Shimbun.  Eda’s remarks suggest he believes it is within the justice minister’s discretion to refrain from ordering executions, but some legal experts strongly reject (4)that idea.
    Konan Law School Prof. Osamu Watanabe, an expert on criminal procedure, said: “The Criminal Procedure Code stipulates that executions should be performed within six months of the sentence being finalized.  I think the justice minister should act [  A  ] line with the system and review the possibility of false conviction within the set time limit.” Watanabe said adjustments to the current system should be made through legislation after public discussion, and that in the meantime the current rules should be upheld.
    Tokyo Metropolitan University Prof. Masahide Maeda, an expert on criminal law, said: “Recently, the death penalty has been handed down in lay judge trials.  If executions continue to be delayed because of politicians’ personal views, public confidence in the law will be shaken.  Executions should be carried out within the set period.”

death row 「死刑囚監房」
Justice Minister 「法務大臣」
Justice Ministry’s Criminal Affairs Bureau 「法務省刑事局」
Criminal Procedure Code 「刑事訴訟法」
lay judge system 「裁判員制度」
Democratic Party of Japan 「民主党」
chief cabinet secretary 「内閣官房長官」

問1 下線部(1)を日本語に訳しなさい。
問2 空所(  a  )〜(  d  )に入る動詞を次の中から選び,必要があれば最も適切な形に変えなさい。ただし,同じものを二回以上用いてはいけません。
問3 三つの空所[  A  ]に共通して入る最も適切な語を,一語で答えなさい。
問4 下線部(2)に与えられた語を,文意が通るように並べ替えなさい。ただし,文頭に来るべき語も小文字で示してあります。
問5 下線部(3)の意味に最も近いものを,ア〜エから一つ選びなさい。
  ア in fashionイ in orderウ in progressエ in vain
問6 下線部(4)の指す内容を,句読点を含めて30字以内の日本語で説明しなさい。
問7 本文の内容と一致するものを,ア〜オから一つ選びなさい。
  • ア 死刑制度に否定的な江田五月法務大臣の発言が新聞に掲載されると,法務省には市民から激励の電話が相次いだ。
  • イ 2005年に法務大臣に就任した佐藤恵氏は,死刑執行命令書への署名を拒否したが,そのことを明らかにしたのは退任後であった。
  • ウ 元法務大臣の千葉景子氏が在任中に設置した勉強会では,死刑制度について現在でも活発な議論がなされ,大きな成果を挙げている。
  • エ 渡辺修教授は,刑事訴訟法に規定されている以上,法務大臣には死刑執行を控える裁量があると言わざるをえないと述べている。
  • オ 前田雅英教授は,法務大臣の個人的な見解で死刑が執行されない状況が続くと,国民の法への信頼が揺らぎかねないと考えている。
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