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Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda
Birth date: May 20, 1957 DPJ House of Representatives
Deputy Prime Minister, State Minister for Integrated Reform of Tax and Social Security, and Administrative Reform Katsuya Okada
Birth date: July 14, 1953 DPJ House of Representatives
Internal Affairs and Communications Minister, State Minister for Okinawa and Northern Territories Affairs Tatsuo Kawabata
Birth date: Jan. 24, 1945 DPJ House of Representatives
Justice Minister Toshio Ogawa
Birth date: March 18, 1948 DPJ House of Councillors
Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba
Birth date: May 20, 1964 DPJ House of Representatives
Finance Minister Jun Azumi
Birth date: Jan. 17, 1962 DPJ House of Representatives
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister Hirofumi Hirano
Birth date: March 19, 1949 DPJ House of Representatives
Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Yoko Komiyama
Birth date: Sept. 17, 1948 DPJ House of Representatives
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Michihiko Kano
Birth date: Jan. 24, 1942 DPJ House of Representatives
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yukio Edano
Birth date: May 31, 1964 DPJ House of Representatives
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister Takeshi Maeda
Birth date: Oct. 22, 1937 DPJ House of Councillors
Environment Minister, State Minister for the Nuclear Crisis Goshi Hosono
Birth date: Aug. 21, 1971 DPJ House of Representatives
Defense Minister Naoki Tanaka
Birth date: June 19, 1940 DPJ House of Councillors
Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura
Birth date: Nov. 3, 1949 DPJ House of Representatives
National Public Safety Commission Chairman, State Minister for Consumer Affairs and Abduction Issue Jin Matsubara
Birth date: July 31, 1956 DPJ House of Representatives
State Minister for Postal Reform and Financisl Services Shozaburo Jimi
Birth date: Nov. 5, 1945 People's New Party House of Councillors
State Minister for National Policy, Economic and Fiscal Policy Motohisa Furukawa
Birth date: Dec. 6, 1965 DPJ House of Representatives
State Minister for Reconstruction in response to the Great East Japan Earthquake Tatsuo Hirano
Birth date: May 2, 1954 DPJ House of Councillors
State Minister for Disaster Management Masaharu Nakagawa
Birth date: June 10, 1950 DPJ House of Representatives

 Cabinet Lineup

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