Up to 35 die in guerrilla attack on Indian bus

By Omer Farooq
Tuesday 19 November 2002 01:00

A land-mine intended for police exploded under a bus travelling through forests held by leftist guerrillas in southern India last night, killing at least 25 people and injuring 15, police said.

The explosion in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, destroyed the bus, which police said had about 35 passengers. They blamed the People's War Group, Maoist-Leninist guerrillas who usually attack the police, officials and landowners in five southern states.

Police shot dead five rebels in the area on Sunday. Gautam Swang, deputy inspector general, said the guerrillas may have thought police were on the bus, as it was in the forest where the clash took place.

More than 6,000 people have been killed since the rebel group began fighting in 1981. The group announced a unilateral ceasefire this year, hoping for peace talks, but called it off in July, accusing the government of failing to stop the police attacking guerrilla camps. (AP)

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