Adlington Arms awaits golden girl

She may have stunned the world with two gold medal-winning swims, but Rebecca Adlington seemed baffled yesterday when she was told that a pub in her home town of Mansfield was changing its name to The Adlington Arms in her honour.

Adlington's older sister Laura said the 19-year-old could expect to be mobbed on returning to Mansfield, where she is due to take an open-topped bus tour today. Similar scenes are expected in athletes' home towns across the UK. "It's just nice to have her back. I'll grab her, give her a big hug and a kiss and tell her how much I love her and how proud I am," said Laura Adlington, 21. "I just can't wait to see her. She's brilliant."

Their father Steve, added: "We've got this open-top bus tour going around Mansfield tomorrow – but she still thinks that the party is going to be in our living room."

Upon being told the pub had changed its name, the double Olympic champion said: "I feel honoured to come from there, let alone to have something named after me."

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