Schoolgirl plunges six floors down stairwell

By Ella Pickover, PA

A girl was badly injured when she fell down a stairwell at her school, police said today.

The pupil plunged six floors at Raine's Foundation School in Bethnal Green, east London.

A spokeswoman from the London Ambulance Service said the girl, who is thought to be 11 years old, was taken to the Royal London Hospital in a "serious" condition.

Police said the incident, which happened yesterday, was not being treated as suspicious.

A spokeswoman for Tower Hamlets Council said it was "providing support" to the pupils and teachers at the school.

In 2008, the Church of England secondary school - which caters for pupils aged between 11 and 18 - has been criticised for the quality of its buildings.

An Ofsted report from 2008 said: "The school's curriculum, which is satisfactory overall, is hindered by the restriction placed on it by buildings which are not always fit for purpose."

The school declined to comment.

  • kawasakiman
    So kids can aren't allowed to play conkers in school for safety reasons, but are allowed to attend schools with dangerous stairwells ?
  • VicTheBrit
    Don't we have Health and Safety to watch out for things like this? Putting nets or screens across stairwells seems the sensible thing to do. Stairwells are often bottlenecks in schools.
  • DennisHorne
    Sad outcome whether unlucky accident or total stupidity, inappropriate comment at this time, statement absolutely true. One of your detractors is a muppet mother, the other cannot believe you could be right.
  • the use of inverted commas suggests the writer was being sarcastic. at least, one hopes that was true. Although, I completely agree with both your opinion of Daily Mail writers and of its readers..
  • I wonder if this was one of those many schools told they cant refurbish?
  • stupocalypse
    You know where the Daily Mail is, bugger off there with your thinly veiled class and race based aspersions. Couldn't even be bothered to wait for the whole story, sad, spiteful cow.
  • ameliemaryann
    Probably the school was "fit for its purpose" when it was built and attended by disciplined responsible children.
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