This week blogs and fitness sites are fired up about three new trends to switch up your fitness routine and take you out of the traditional gym experience.

Bounce Dance is a circus/ballet-like dance experience with physio balls that requires more twirling than bouncing and is considered a "happy" yoga experience. ( SocialWorkout, PXP

Skatecycling, introduced by the developers of skatecycle FreeRider ($150/€118), is an inventive take on the skateboard with cycle wheels. This out-of-the-box workout looks like this:  ( InventorSpot

Country Hip-Hop Dancing, supposedly a widespread trend in North America, is heavy on country line dancing with the Running Man mixed in. This is not a funky deep South take on Zumba. Take a look at MyTeamFreedom's "jammin" moves via YouTube that look like the 1980s have been revived: ( FitBottomedGirls


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