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<p>Flushing through the snow: The 1999 ‘South Park’ comedy album ‘Mr Hankey’s Christmas Classics'</p>

Why the weird festive album is going to save Christmas

Tired of the usual yuletide schmaltz, a new generation of musicians are getting creative with Christmas standards or simply writing brand new alternative anthems. Ed Power finds everything from dungeon synth covers to a forgotten ‘Star Wars’ spin-off


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Album reviews


Live music

BTS review, Los Angeles: They came, they sang, they conquered

Over two and a half hours in Los Angeles, the K-pop superstars demonstrate how and why they’ve become the world’s biggest band

How is it possible that The Rolling Stones are still in their prime?

A full six decades after Mick Jagger and Keith Richards first laid eyes on each other, they remain in rude health

For the Love of Festivals

Music festivals have saved me so many times

Concluding our series of first-hand accounts of life in tents, Patrick Smith recalls the way that festivals such as End of the Road and Primavera have helped him through bad times, from heartbreak to grief to crushing depression

On the Record


The Countdown

Music Box sessions

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