
Jane Merrick

Jane Merrick is the Political Editor of the Independent on Sunday. She has been a political journalist for seven years, previously working at the Press Association and the Daily Mail

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No politics today

Posted by Jane Merrick
  • Wednesday, 25 February 2009 at 12:09 pm
There were some doubts over whether PMQs should be cancelled today as a mark of respect to David and Samantha Cameron for the death of their six year old son Ivan. But after watching the statements from Gordon Brown, William Hague and Vince Cable, I think this was the right decision.

It would have been so wrong, even with the party politics toned down slightly. The PMQs formula doesn't allow for this. There isn't much left to discuss. It is incredibly sad, and I disagree with some people who have said the Camerons would have been prepared for this, because nothing can ever prepare you for the death of your child. It is unimaginable to those who have not experienced this.

The Prime Minister, of course, has, with the death of his daughter Jennifer Jane in 2002. I cannot imagine how difficult it was for him, in front of the Commons, to talk about how this is something no parent must bear, but he did it in a very poignant, dignified way.


[info]famulla wrote:
Sunday, 1 March 2009 at 07:05 am (UTC)
Without politics and lies we have no world . we love these two and we love the thefts.
Firozali A. Mulla


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