Some Good News with John Krasinski

The Office stars Steve Carell and John Krasinski reunite for ‘Some Good News’ YouTube series

Actor’s new YouTube venture will be a news show ‘dedicated entirely to good news’

Louis Chilton
Monday 30 March 2020 09:00

John Krasinski has reunited with his former The Office co-star Steve Carell for the first episode of a new YouTube series called Some Good News.

According to the Jack Ryan actor, the programme will offer exclusively positive news in an attempt to eschew the stress of the main current affairs, which are dominated by updates about the coronavirus pandemic.

To mark the 15th anniversary of the premiere of The Office on 24 March, Krasinski invited Carell onto the show via video link to reminisce about the popular NBC sitcom.

Krasinski, who rose to fame playing The Office’s affable everyman Jim Halpert, finished the clip by suggesting that Some Good News will become a regular occurrence.

“I’m John Krasinski, and this is SGN,” he says, ”asking you to remember, no matter how tough life can get, there’s always good in the world and we will see you next time. Good night.”

Krasinski appeared to have crowdsourced some of the series’ content last week, when he tweeted a request for his followers to send him “stories that have made you feel good this week”.

Other celebrities are also doing their part to help people escape coronavirus distress.

Sir Patrick Stewart is recording himself reading Shakespearean sonnets every day, and musicians including Billie Eilish and Mariah Carey livestreamed a concert for charity.


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