Taking fitness cues from influencers like Joe Wicks sounded like the stuff of nightmares – until I tried it

The shout outs were insufferable at first, but I have to admit it, these kiddie exercises have hit the spots that yoga and walking don’t reach, dammit, writes Jenny Eclair

Monday 30 March 2020 17:10
Related video: Thousands of children join Joe Wicks for live PE lesson following UK school closures
Related video: Thousands of children join Joe Wicks for live PE lesson following UK school closures

Ok, we’ve managed lockdown for over a week and I’ve still got a clean bum, so that’s one worry that has so far been confounded.

As for my designated daily exercise, the old man and I have taken to going for a walk every afternoon. Now, this is something we have never really done before – not daily. After all, we don’t have a dog.

Up until now, our walks have been mostly confined to sunny holiday strolls down a Mediterranean seaside promenade, eyes swivelling for a decent-looking restaurant where the wine glasses look properly filled.

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