Amid coronavirus panic, this church’s bizarre objection to yoga is the last thing we need

If the worst comes to the worst and I can’t leave my house, exercising won’t just be about the physical benefits, writes Jenny Eclair

Monday 09 March 2020 16:06
If there’s such a thing as inner peace, it wouldn’t go amiss right now
If there’s such a thing as inner peace, it wouldn’t go amiss right now

Isn’t it peculiar how unchristian some Christians can be; how mean-spirited and objectionable?

Take, for example, the case this week of the vicar’s wife who attended a yoga class in her husband’s church hall and promptly went home to snitch on the class for not being either physical or Christian enough.

Um, since when did Christianity have anything to do with yoga? Yoga belongs to ancient India and as far as I’m concerned, Christianity has no equivalent, so why had the vicar, if he was going to be “funny” about it, been allowing the sessions in the church hall for the last six years? I suppose the subs were useful.

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