Woman sought after barmaid suffers homophobic abuse

Incident being treated as a hate crime

Lucinda Cameron
Sunday 23 October 2016 18:46
The woman police want to speak to in connection with the incident
The woman police want to speak to in connection with the incident

Police have released a CCTV image of a woman they want to speak to after a barmaid was subjected to homophobic abuse as she worked.

The incident happened at Sofi's Bar in Henderson Street, Edinburgh, at around 6pm on 4 March.

Officers are treating the incident as a hate crime and appealed for anyone who recognises the woman in the CCTV image to contact them.

She is described as white, in her mid-30s, around 5ft 7in tall with a heavy build, shoulder-length hair that is dark at the roots and lighter at the ends, and glasses.

At the time of the incident, she was wearing blue jeans and a long grey coat.

Constable Shona MacKay from Leith Police Station said: "The comments directed towards the member of bar staff were completely unacceptable and we continue to progress this inquiry to trace the suspect.

"We are keen to hear from anyone who recognises the woman pictured in the CCTV footage and would ask the public to come forward if they can help us identify and trace this individual.

"In addition, anyone with any further information relevant to this investigation should also contact police immediately."


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