Emma Stone needed a stunt double to film a lift scene with Ryan Gosling after she had a panic attack

The 22-year-old actress broke both of her arms in gymnastics class when she was seven after her partner dropped her and trying to film a scene in new movie 'Crazy Stupid Love' where co-star Ryan lifts her above his head brought on a "full scale hour-long primal panic attack".

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She explained: "I had a panic attack so that was a stunt double from a distance. We tried a couple of times but it didn't work out for me. Ryan didn't do anything wrong. He thinks that I was afraid he was gonna drop me.

"When I was seven, I was in gymnastics class and I was standing on the parallel bars and the woman let go of my ankles and I fell forward and broke both of my arms on the mat. And I had this dormant primal fear I didn't realise until he [Gosling] was lifting me over his head over the front and my arms immediately went, 'No!' My body knew that this could break your arms. I really had a full scale hour-long primal panic attack. It was bizarre."

However, Ryan and one of the movie's directors Glenn Ficarra understood and quickly called in a stunt double to stop the hysterics.

Emma added to BlokTalkRadio.com: "They were so nice to me. One of the directors, Glenn Ficarra, and Ryan were sitting with me in a bed in the house we were shooting in rubbing my back like, 'You're alright, we'll get the stunt double to do it.'"


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