Charlotte Church speaks of grief after losing unborn baby

Singer and partner Jonathan Powell take to Twitter to express bereavement after miscarriage and tell followers: 'Now is a time for grieving and being together as a family'

By Julia Hunt
Tuesday 27 June 2017 08:12
Charlotte Church
Charlotte Church

Charlotte Church has announced that she has lost her unborn baby.

The singer, 31, said on Twitter that she and her partner Jonathan Powell were grieving their loss.

She wrote: “1 of 2 Charlotte and Jonny are very sad to announce that they lost their baby.

“Now is a time for grieving and being together as a family.”

A second message read: “2 of 2 We kindly ask everyone to respect that peace.”

Church had announced earlier this year she was expecting her third child.

It was thought the baby was due in November.

The star is already a mother to nine-year-old Ruby and Dexter, eight, from her previous relationship with Gavin Henson.

They parted company in 2010.

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