Barack Obama and family go river rafting on holiday in Indonesia

Barack, Michelle, Sasha and Mali invited to Ayung River by country's President Joko Widodo

Tuesday 27 June 2017 06:28
Former US President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and daughters Malia, right, and Sasha, second right, raft on the Ayung River in Badung, Bali, Indonesia
Former US President Barack Obama, his wife Michelle and daughters Malia, right, and Sasha, second right, raft on the Ayung River in Badung, Bali, Indonesia

Former US President Barack Obama and his family were seen on a river rafting trip Monday as they vacationed in Indonesia, where he lived for several years as a child.

Obama, his wife, Michelle, and their daughters, Sasha and Malia, rafted on the Ayung River on the resort island of Bali, where the family arrived Friday.

Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo had invited Obama to take a holiday in the country after leaving office, and has invited the family to visit the presidential Bogor Palace in West Java during their nine-day trip. The former President is also scheduled to speak at an Indonesian Diaspora Congress in Jakarta on 1 July.

Obama moved to Indonesia in 1967 at age six after his divorced mother remarried an Indonesian man. She stayed on after the marriage broke up, working as an anthropologist and development aid worker, but Obama returned to Hawaii when he was 10 to live with his grandparents.

Associated Press


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