SNL fans approve of new Joe Biden as Jim Carrey quits role: ‘Much more accurate’

One viewer called it an ‘upgrade’

Jacob Stolworthy@Jacob_Stol
Sunday 20 December 2020 08:55

Saturday Night Live has debuted a brand new Joe Biden – and viewers have approved the performance.

Jim Carrey first played the President-elect back in October right up until 7 November, the day it was announced Biden had won the US presidential election.

The actor has handed the baton over to Alex Moffat, who also plays the role of Eric Trump on the sketch show.

After being introduced by Maya Rudolph’s Vice President Kamala Harris, Moffat’s Biden hobbles in with a walking stick before putting it to one side and doing a forward roll.

He then  rearranged his tie and began discussing the Covid-19 vaccine, which Biden is expected to have this week.

“I just want to let the American people know one thing,” he said. “We’re about to have a real leader again. You’re going to have the most diverse cabinet in the history of US politics.”

Rudolph’s Harris then interjected: “And I will make sure that Joe never specifies what he means by diverse – that’s my Christmas present to you, America.”

In the past, Biden has been played by Kevin Nealon, Jason Sudeikis, Woody Harrelson and John Mulaney.

Moffat’s role is getting the thumbs up from fans, with one person hailing it “much more accurate” than Carrey’s depiction.

Alex Moffat as Joe Biden on ‘SNL’

 “Jim Carrey was basically just playing Jim Carrey,” the viewer added.

“I love Moffat's impression of him,” another added, with one fan calling him an “upgrade”.

After Donald Trump lost the election, Alec Baldwin made his swansong appearance as the president with the actor stating he was “overjoyed” to be out of the job.


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