Donald Trump accuses ABC comedy Black-ish creator of racism, then is criticised for not understanding racism

The programme, which stars Laurence Fishburne, centres around an upwardly mobile black family struggling to hold their African-American identity

Jenn Selby@JennSelby
Thursday 02 October 2014 17:12

Donald Trump has had another startlingly active week on social media.

He kicked off by accidently retweeting an ode to "loving parents" Fred and Rosemary West, convicted child killers, on Monday.

He hit headlines again after he reacted to the prank in the most Donald Trump way possible – threatening to sue the man named "@feckhead" for tricking him into it.

Now, he’s received criticism for branding the title of new ABC comedy Black-ish racist.

"How is ABC Television allowed to have a show entitled Blackish?" he tweeted. "Can you imagine the furor of a show, "Whiteish"! Racism at highest level?"

Trump isn’t the only one who thinks this. The programme, which stars Laurence Fishburne and centres around an upwardly mobile black family living in suburban Los Angeles, struggling to hold on to their African-American identity, has received a mix response.

While some have praised creator Kenya Barris for his bold tackling of "tightrope" social issues, others have indeed condemned it for being racist.

However, that didn’t stop Twitter users from reacting to him thusly:

The response from those following the show as it premiered for the first time over the week were also overwhelmingly positive:

Barris is yet to respond to Trump’s opinions on the name of his show personally.

But he did have this to say to the Hollywood Reporter on why he chose the title.

"Instead of calling it The Burbs or New Rules or something like that, we wanted to reflect that this is the world we are living in," he said.

"I feel like my kids are a little bit of a lesser version of what I remember the ideology of what black was. At the same time, all of their friends – who are mostly nonblack kids – are a little bit more black than I remember. They’re sort of black-ish, all their little friends, and my kids are sort of black-ish.

"We’re living in a world where Asian culture has influenced us and Latino culture has influenced us, and youth culture is so homogenized to a point where, if you look from our main character’s point of view, he sees the world as sort of black-ish – everyone is a little bit of layering of each other."

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