The Liverpool hierarchy has held a meeting over the new ticket structure following the mass walk-out at Anfield on Saturday, according to reports.

Around 10,000 fans left the ground on 77 minutes in the 2-2 draw with Sunderland, as a furious reaction to proposals that would see prices increased from next season; fans loudly sung 'greedy b*******, enough is enough' and black flags were waved around the ground.

According to the Guardian, American owners Fenway Sports Group have held talks with the senior management team as a response to the protest. 

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The owners are said to have been 'surprised' by the number of fans who walked out and 'disappointed' by accusations of greed.

No decision has yet been made to revise prices for next season. 

The Spirit of Shankly, the fan group that co-ordinated the protest, revealed earlier on Sunday that they plan to hold more walk-outs.

"We are happy with yesterday's demonstration and we are pleased with the number of supporters who took part," spokesman Jay McKenna said.

"The moment which preceded the walk-out also showed the strength of feeling, with the very loud, audible chants aimed at the directors' box.

"But the protest was aimed just as much at the owners because the decision of the prices is one made by Fenway Sports Group and the ownership of the club.

"It is a good indication that supporters are very angry at prices and this will just be the start of taking more action."

Under the new proposals tickets in the Main Stand will see an £18 increase, from £59 to £77, while season tickets will jump £160 from £869 to £1,029.

"We have got Manchester City and Chelsea at Anfield so those two league matches - where prices are still going to be on the forefront of people's minds - will be opportunities where we will discuss what action we take next," McKenna added.

"For us, it is unequivocal: this is the start. A walkout of Anfield it is unprecedented - it has never happened before - and I can't think of an occasion where it has happened in such numbers in another league ground in the UK.

"We don't have a firm idea of what we will do yet as this has all happened very quickly, so we will take the next two days to take stock and talk to the supporters about what we do next.

"But we will be taking action because we need to. Yesterday wasn't about letting off steam, and saying we are a bit angry but we will carry on. We really need Liverpool Football Club, the owners, and the executives to think to themselves 'is this the right approach?"

Additional reporting from PA


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