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Avengers: Endgame: Man beaten up by fans after shouting film spoilers outside cinema

Fans have been going to great lengths to avoid reading or sharing information that would spoil the film

A man in Hong Kong was reportedly beaten up after deciding to yell major spoilers to fans waiting outside a Causeway Bay cinema showing Avengers: Endgame.

According to Deadline, which cited reports in local media, the unidentified man spent a few moments shouting plot developments at the fans before they attacked him.

He was apparently left beaten and bloodied on the side of the road. A photograph circulated online reportedly shows the man with blood on the side of his head as he awaited medical treatment.

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Endgame directors Joe and Anthony Russo have pleaded with people not to spoil the film’s ending, out of respect for fans who have not yet seen the movie.

“Because so many of you have invested your time, your hearts, and your souls into these stories, we’re once again asking for your help,” their statement read.

“Remember, Thanos still demands your silence.”

Generally, fans have respected this and are going to great lengths to avoid either sharing or reading spoilers about the film.


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