Have you tried the new, free Independent Digital Edition iPad app?


Christian Broughton@christian_b
Monday 24 February 2014 14:45
The homepage and one of the news pages on the new Independent app, now available on iPad
The homepage and one of the news pages on the new Independent app, now available on iPad

It’s been almost a week now since the new Independent Digital Edition app went live on iPad. Judging by the reviews so far, most of our early adopters love it as much as we do. Phew!

There is a moment of truth with any app launch: the first review on the App Store. The Digital Edition had been a long time coming for all those involved (Zach Leonard, Simon Fry, Brian Alford, Shasta Mir, Dan Barber… can’t name everyone, too many to mention!) and we really felt we had something special here. But as with everything online, you never really know until you send it out into the world. Will it work for everyone like it worked for us in testing? Will other people love it too?

Then the first review dropped: “The whole interface has changed from the old version and I have to say, it’s impressive. With the ever fair editorial stance and the sleek operation from news item to news item, it’s excellent. Nice one.”

If you haven’t tried it yet, I can’t do better than that by way of recommendation. But here are some key details.

The Independent Digital Edition is unlike other apps: it looks like a newspaper, and the navigation is incredibly simple, so you don’t get lost in app-land as can happen with some apps.

The innovative Highlights page and the Voices index on the new Independent app, now available on iPad

We publish new editions at least three times every weekday, and twice at weekends, so you get the latest news and sport, rather than just a static snapshot of the morning’s news.

And it’s free. Not just as a trial. I mean, it’s really free. Come and see for yourself!

Separately, if you want to read the paper page by page, with exactly the layout of the morning print edition, you can do that too. You pay for that part, but it’s pretty incredible value for such high-quality, independent journalism: try the £2.99-a-week deal. That’s less than the sandwich I just had for lunch. And you get a free trial.

Here’s the link that takes you to the app store. Give it a try, you may well love it too. And huge thanks to all those who support independent journalism and The Independent.


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