Love Island preview- Amber makes her decision

Love Island contestant Amber decides between Michael and Greg in 'spoiler' preview

Tonight's episode could be the biggest yet

Jacob Stolworthy@Jacob_Stol
Friday 19 July 2019 13:47

The preview for tonight’s episode of Love Island shows Amber Gill on the cusp of deciding who to pick in the recoupling.

Viewers will know that the islander will either pick Michael Griffiths or Greg O’Shea, but the direction she’ll go in remains up in the air.

Having been treated badly by Michael in the past, several of her friends – namely Belle Hassan – are wary of his intentions.

It seems her decision might be swayed by Ovie Soko, though, who tells her in tonight’s instalment: “The connection you have with Michael is much stronger than the connection you have with Greg and, at the end of the day, to win big you got to bet big.”

Many fans are furious that the preview spoils the fact that Michael and Greg will be the last two boys standing, inadvertently proving that newcomer Harley Brash will save Chris Taylor from elimination.

To find out who Amber picks, tune in to ITV2 at 9pm for the latest episode of Love Island.

Meanwhile, catch up on all the biggest talking points from last night’s episode here.


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