Hilary Swank: Million Dollar Baby star says she turns down roles to care for elderly father

The actress said that she is Stephen Swank's 'sole caretaker right now'

Rachael Pells@rachaelpells
Tuesday 07 July 2015 01:21
Hilary Swank with her father, Stephen, in 2010
Hilary Swank with her father, Stephen, in 2010

Hilary Swank has been turning down Hollywood roles so she can look after her elderly father, the double-Oscar winning actress has revealed.

The star of Million Dollar Baby and Boys Don't Cry and said that she has sometimes put her career aside in favour of caring for Stephen Swank, who recently underwent a lung transplant. “My dad is living with me,” she told Huffpost Live. “I’m his sole caretaker right now.”

She added: “It’s a certain amount of time, but in a lifespan it’s a blink of an eye. There’s been job opportunities I’ve passed on, and things that I said ‘I can’t’, but really what we’re here for is our family.

“There is nothing I want to do more other than being with my dad in this time of need. And if it wasn’t me taking care of him, I think I would always look back and regret that opportunity to be able to take care of him and help him through this extraordinary time.”


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