Is Peru's place at the World Cup at risk? Fifa warns South American nation over government meddling

It has been reported that Peru's place at the World Cup finals could be in jeopardy, following rumours the Peruvian government is poised to take control of the football association

Friday 24 November 2017 14:23

FIFA has reminded the Peruvian soccer federation of rules prohibiting interference by national governments, one week after the South American country qualified for its first World Cup since 1982.

FIFA says the letter reacts to the "current draft of the Peruvian Sports Law" presented to a congressional committee last month. FIFA says the proposed text to lawmakers includes "certain items that, if implemented, would contravene the FIFA Statutes."

In serious cases, FIFA can suspend a country's national and club teams, plus officials, from international competitions and meetings.

Peruvian officials are due in Moscow next week for the World Cup draw.

Peru is not likely to be facing any action, but FIFA has promised to "continue to monitor the situation."


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