Life After Sexual Violence: How the media continue to fail rape victims

How the media continues to fail rape victims

Life After Sexual Violence: the media plays a crucial role in shaping the myths, preconceptions and beliefs of society around rape and sexual assault. Where are we going wrong?

Thomas Goulding@TomGoulding
Friday 24 November 2017 12:07

“It feels like the media only report on rape and sexual violence when there is a celebrity involved, or when there is a false allegation case, which are incredibly rare,” says Emily Jacob.

“In reality though,” says Winnie M Li, “it could be your next door neighbour, it could be your sister, it could be you, right? And I think that’s why it’s so shocking, when people actually unfortunately become victims, themselves, it’s hard to map this understanding of rape that they hear about in the news, with what they’ve just gone through.”

Emily and Winnie are two of the seven people who feature in Life After Sexual Violence, a seven part series which throws a spotlight on the reality of life after a sex attack.

Our participants include Emily Jacob, 44, who runs ReConnected Life, a coaching and community program for survivors of sexual violence; Tanaka Mhishi, 24, is a writer from London; Imogen Butler-Cole, 40, is an actor and performer with a solo stage show ‘Foreign Body’, about life after sexual assault; Sophie Yates Lu, 28, is a campaigner from London; Winnie M Li, 38, is a writer and film producer, whose new book ‘Dark Chapter’ won the Guardian’s “Not the Booker” prize; Faye White, 25, is a journalist; Alex Bryce, 34, is a political adviser.

If you have been a victim of sexual violence, you can find your local Rape Crisis organisation here if you are a woman seeking support and services, or if you a man or a woman, through The Survivors’ Trust.


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