Transfer misses won't stop Chelsea from contending in Premier League and Champions League says Eden Hazard

Chelsea signed Danny Drinkwater and Davide Zappacosta late, but missed out on Fernando Llorente, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and Ross Barkley amongst others

Monday 04 September 2017 11:39
Eden Hazard is confident the champions have what it takes to challenge on all fronts this season
Eden Hazard is confident the champions have what it takes to challenge on all fronts this season

Eden Hazard believes Chelsea boast a squad capable of challenging on all fronts, despite the Blues missing out on a number of transfer targets.

Chelsea sealed late deals for midfielder Danny Drinkwater and defender Davide Zappacosta, but boss Antonio Conte was gazumped by Tottenham for Fernando Llorente and Liverpool for Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain.

There was further frustration when Everton playmaker Ross Barkley pulled out of a deal to join the Blues at the last minute.

Belgium star Hazard remains convinced however that Chelsea have the power to fight for silverware across the board - especially amid their return to the Champions League.

"I think this year will be no different from the previous years, in the sense that every year it is difficult, especially when you play in many competitions," he said. "This year we have the Champions League as well and it is not easy to succeed in multiple competitions. But we will do our best and we have got depth in our squad so sometimes maybe one or two players can rest so they are 110 per cent for the next competition.

"We just want to win as many trophies as possible, for me personally I haven't won the Champions League so maybe that one would be a little bit more special, but I would prefer us to win everything."

Hazard missed the start of Chelsea's new campaign owing to an ankle injury, but has returned to action with Belgium across the international break.

Hazard is yet to play for Chelsea this season 

The 26-year-old hailed Blues boss Conte as one of the world's top managers as the Stamford Bridge club set about defending their Premier League crown.

"I have a good relationship with all my managers," said Hazard. "You know we train every day together and we can talk together and laugh together. So yes absolutely we have a good relationship, I wouldn't say 'friends' because it is difficult to be friends with your manager so I wouldn't say that but we have a good relationship.

"I think we have got one of the best managers in the world. So we are really happy with him."


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