Jo Konta on course for maiden WTA title on home soil after sealing place in Aegon Open final

The 26-year-old top seed continued her run of having yet to drop a set in the tournament beating Magdalena Rybarikova 6-2 7-5

Saturday 17 June 2017 15:19
Jo Konta is still on course for her maiden WTA title on home soil
Jo Konta is still on course for her maiden WTA title on home soil

British number one Johanna Konta is into the final of the Aegon Open in Nottingham after a comfortable 6-2 7-5 win over Magdalena Rybarikova.

The 26-year-old top seed continued her run of having yet to drop a set in the tournament as she closed in on her first WTA title on home soil.

Playing in the semi-finals of the competition for the first time, Konta was quickly into her rhythm, breaking Rybarikova in the fifth game of the match.

She did not look back, breaking the Slovakian again shortly afterwards to confidently take the opening set 6-2.

Konta looked to be cruising as she broke in the first game of the second set, but Rybarikova immediately hit back.

Temperatures continued to soar and there was a break in play as medics helped a female spectator who was struggling with the heat, with Konta handing over her umbrella.

The set went with serve until the 11th game when a double fault from Rybarikova gifted Konta the advantage before she served out the match.



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