Jeremy Corbyn responds to Theresa May's speech: Conservatives have fanned the 'flames of xenophobia’

'The Conservatives will instead foster division and discrimination in our communities'

Ashley Cowburn
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 05 October 2016 16:24
Theresa May tells public to 'come with me and seize the day'

Theresa May and the Conservatives have fanned “the flames of xenophobia and hatred” during the party’s annual conference, Jeremy Corbyn has said.

Mr Corbyn, who was re-elected as Labour leader last week, added that the party will foster “division” and “discrimination” in communities across Britain. His comments came after Ms May’s final speech to the Conservative delegates at the party’s annual conference in Birmingham.

On Wednesday Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, had been forced defend herself, saying “don’t call me racist” after there was a considerable backlash over her plans to tackle immigration in the coming years. Critics condemned the performance, which also saw her unveil sweeping new powers to drive down the number of people coming to the country, including “naming and shaming” firms by making them reveal what proportion of their workforce is foreign.

In a statement, Mr Corbyn, who is believed to be currently on a short vacation with his wife, said: "Conservative Party leaders have sunk to a new low this week as they fan the flames of xenophobia and hatred in our communities and try to blame foreigners for their own failures.

He added: “Drawing up lists of foreign workers won’t stop unscrupulous employers undercutting wages in Britain. Shutting the door to international students won’t pay young people’s tuition fee debts, and ditching doctors from abroad won’t cut NHS waiting lists.

“The Conservatives will instead foster division and discrimination in our workplaces and communities. Once again, they are making false promises on immigration they can’t deliver. Instead of turning people against each other, ministers should take action now to deal with the real impact of migration.

“They should stop the abuse of migrant labour to undercut pay and conditions, which would reduce numbers. They should support communities with high levels of migration and they should set out a positive agenda for fair migration

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