Father and five children killed in farmhouse blaze in rural Wales

Dyfed-Powys Police say infant victims of tragedy aged between four and 11

Rod Minchin,Claire Hayhurst
Tuesday 31 October 2017 15:28
Aerial footage of the remains of the remains of the farmhouse at Llangammarch Wells, Powys, following the blaze at the remote property
Aerial footage of the remains of the remains of the farmhouse at Llangammarch Wells, Powys, following the blaze at the remote property

A father and five young children are believed to have died when a blaze ripped through a farmhouse in rural Wales.

Dyfed-Powys Police said the children, aged between four and 11, were killed in the fire at the remote property at Llangammarch Wells, Powys.

A neighbour raised the alarm shortly after midnight on Monday and three children, aged 13, 12, and 10, managed to escape unharmed.

The man who died has been named locally as David Cuthbertson, who was known as Dave and thought to be in his 60s, and neighbours said he “doted” on the children.

Superintendent Jon Cummins, of Dyfed-Powys Police, said: “Based on current information available to us, we are working on the hypothesis that one adult male and five children, aged between four and 11 years old, are unaccounted for and believed to be deceased within the house.

“Due to the severity of damage at the scene we are unable at this stage to identify any of the deceased.”

Mr Cummins said the cause of the fire was being investigated but currently remained “unexplained”.

“Dyfed-Powys Police is continuing to investigate and deal with the tragic house fire that occurred at Poityn Farm, Llangammarch Wells, Powys, shortly after midnight on Monday 30 October,” he said.

“Specialist scientists and fire investigators continue to assess the scene, which is very complex and perilous.

“The 13, 12 and 10-year-old children that managed to escape remain in hospital. None are in a life-threatening condition, and they are being supported by specialist officers and family.”

Flowers left close to the scene in Llangammarch Wells

The officer's statement continued: “At this time we are treating the cause of the fire as unexplained.

“The family are our priority and they are being kept informed and fully supported by specialist officers.

“They have asked that their privacy is respected at this extremely difficult and traumatic time and do not wish to be contacted in any way.

“They would also like to thank friends and locals for their support, sympathies and all kindness shown to them.

“Our officers and all our partners such as the fire service are working in extremely challenging conditions and circumstances, and I thank and commend them for their efforts.

“This is a tragic incident, and our deepest sympathies are with the family and all those affected.”



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