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Speculation mounts over honeymoon

By Diana Pilkington, Press Association

After a very public wedding watched by an estimated two billion people, the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will be hoping for some privacy on their honeymoon.

The royals are expected to set off to a mystery location today and William has taken a fortnight's leave from his job as an RAF Search and Rescue pilot for the holiday.

The destination has so far been shrouded in secrecy, with William having reportedly not even told his new wife where they are going, but speculation is rife over possible choices.

The Duke is known to have a deep affection for Africa, and would be on safe romantic territory if he chose to take his wife to Kenya, where he proposed to her last year.

Jordan, with its plethora of ancient sites, has also been touted as a possibility for the couple's honeymoon.

The Middle Eastern country would no doubt have nostalgic appeal for Kate as her family spent two years there when she was a child.

However its proximity to hotspots such as Syria could count against the country.

If they are keen to escape the prying eyes of the media, a secluded Caribbean island might be a safe choice.

Bequia and Necker Island all have the benefit of being easily secured, as does the ultra-exclusive Mustique, where Kate's parents Carole and Michael Middleton are frequent visitors.

Lizard Island, off the coast of Queensland, Australia, has also emerged as a contender.

However, with William resuming his pilot duties in two weeks, the significant jetlag likely from such a far-flung trip could rule it out.

Alternatively, the couple may continue their wedding theme of championing the UK and spend part of their break in Scotland, where both the Queen and the Prince of Wales have private homes they could use.

They may also be tempted by Chile, as they both spent time in the South American country during their gap years before university.

Thirty years ago, William's parents the Prince and Princess of Wales spent the first stage of their honeymoon in Romsey in Hampshire, where they stayed at Broadlands, the family home of the Mountbattens.

The second part of their holiday was spent on board the royal yacht Britannia. They boarded at the Rock of Gibraltar before cruising to Algeria, Tunisia, Sicily, the Greek islands and Egypt.

Finally, they went to Scotland to spend time with the Royal Family in Balmoral.

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