The Wines of Westeros: Game of Thrones drink to go on sale in time for season 5

Houses of Lannister and Baratheon get pinot noirs

The Game of Thrones wines will cost £11 a bottle
The Game of Thrones wines will cost £11 a bottle

Game of Thrones is to gets its very own range of wines named after the houses and groups in George RR Martin's novels, to be consumed with each episode of season 5.

Fans are encouraged to drown their sorrows a la Cersei with the 12 Australian wines, which have been chosen to reflect the various houses.

"The reds are all associated with the houses that are headstrong and robust. The whites, on the other hand, are more cunning, perceptive and mysterious," said Jane Burhop of Common Ventures, the agency behind the wines.

Houses Arryn, Greyjoy and Stark are sauvignon blancs, while the Lannister and Baratheon families get pinot noirs and the houses of Tyrell and Martell are a chardonnay and cabernet sauvignon respectively.

The Dothraki tribes are represented by a deep merlot, while House Targaryen and the Night's Watch are shirazes.

"Whether this becomes a coveted item for the fans or a bottle that is opened with every episode, this wine is made to be drunk with friends and to help soften the blow of the shock and heartache as our favourite characters are slowly killed off," Burhop added.

Westeros wine will cost £11 a bottle and be on the market in time for the premiere of season 5 of the HBO adaptation in 2015.

Game of Thrones is far from the first TV show to get its own alcoholic beverage, with there previously being a Downton Abbey wine and a Simpsons 'Duff' beer.

Breaking Bad meanwhile caused tons of 'crystal meth' candy to hit the market.


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