Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard responds to 'harassment' from fans

Jacob Stolworthy@Jacob_Stol
Thursday 09 November 2017 09:11

Stranger Things star Finn Wolfhard has responded to “harassment” from fans in defence of himself and his co-stars.

The 14-year-old actor who plays Mike Wheeler in the hit Netflix series recently came under fire for not stopping to greet his fans, something which saw several people - including co-star Shannon Purser (Barb) and Game of Thrones' Sophie Turner - jump to his defence.

It seems this “harassment” must have intensified as Wolfhard joined Twitter to send out a warning to those fans.

“Hey everybody! I don't wanna ex-communicate anyone from this fandom, but if you are for real you will not harass my friends, or co-workers," he wrote, adding: "Ya'll know who you are.”

He later posted an additional tweet, saying: “Why I even have to tweet that, I don't know. Anyone who calls themselves a 'fan' and actively goes after someone for literally acting and doing their job is ridiculous. Think b4 ya type boiiii.”

A model recently came under heavy fire for making “inappropriate” comments about the actor who himself branded the remarks “gross.”

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