New Zealand soldiers got high on prescription drugs during mission

Man questioned over drugs 'stunk' of lying, commander says

Jon Sharman
Sunday 02 July 2017 16:34

Soldiers who bought more than 100 prescription pills, got high and attacked a table with a machete have been discharged.

The four New Zealand soldiers stocked up on pills from a pharmacy in Suva, Fiji — where they were helping clean up after Cyclone Winston in 2016 — before smuggling them on board HMNZS Canterbury.

Their commanding officer uncovered the drug-taking when a soldier smashed a table with a machete and another was seen "flipping out", NZ Herald reported.

The pills included Valium, tramadol and Viagra, the site said, and were stashed in cyclone-damaged property as well as in a light fitting.

A pair of the men hid pills in a leather bible cover they hid inside a ruined house.

Commander Simon Rooke said of his encounter with one of the men: "I have spent 25 years watching and talking to sailors in various situations and consider I'm pretty good at smelling a lie, and he stunk of it."

Four soldiers, one of a higher rank than the others, were discharged, the Herald reported, while a fifth was found not guilty at a summary trial.


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