Trump vows ‘lots of litigation’ over election result

Trump campaign gives supporters ‘FINAL NOTICE’ to help pay bills

The president has vowed to bring “a lot of litigation," and that means raising a lot of money

Josh Marcus
Saturday 07 November 2020 01:06
Leer en Español

As Joe Biden edges toward a presidential victory, the Trump campaign has sent out fundraising emails that read more like debt collection letters.

One tells “Patriots” this is their “FINAL NOTICE” to help the campaign defend the election from Democrats, who they claim without evidence are rigging results.

Even though the election season is over, both sides have ramped up calls for funding as they prepare to pay for legal bills in the Trump campaign’s numerous, thus far unsuccessful  lawsuits challenging election results around the country.

The Trump campaign has sent out numerous emails with the unfounded claim that Democrats are trying to “steal” the election, including seven on the night of the election alone. The Biden side has framed things more as an attempt to protect a fair process, asking supporters in one message to “chip in $25 to help us assemble a massive legal effort that will ensure that our democratic process prevails.”

Campaigns pay for candidates’ legal bills, and their political party can chip in as well to defray costs on things like recounts, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. During the 2020 election cycle, the Democratic and Republican national committees raised $22.4 million and $14.3 million respectively.

Over the years, the Trump campaign has spent more on legal help than any other, paying $20.8 million between 2018 and 2020, compared to George W Bush’s previous record of $8.8 million in 2004.


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