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Two held after body found on Christchurch beach


Two men have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a man was discovered dead on a beach.

A body was found in water near groynes at Seaway Avenue in Christchurch, Dorset at 9.10pm yesterday.

The man was pronounced dead at the scene, by the beach at Steamer Point.

Two men, aged 49 and 51, from Bournemouth were later arrested and are helping police with their inquiries.

A spokesman for Dorset Police said the body was yet to be formally identified but the coroner had been notified.

He said: "Dorset Police are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward in relation to this incident, in particular anyone who may have been in the area of Friars Cliff between the times of 9pm and 9.30pm on Monday."

Anyone with information is asked to contact the force on 101.