Police praise heroic passenger who jumped on Tube tracks to save man's life

Authorities say the man's actions 'avoided what could have been a tragedy'

Georgina Stubbs
Wednesday 17 August 2016 18:10
A man jumps onto tube tracks at Tottenham Court Road to pull a fallen man to safety
A man jumps onto tube tracks at Tottenham Court Road to pull a fallen man to safety

Police are trying to trace a brave passenger who jumped onto live Tube tracks to pull a fallen man to safety, endangering his own life in the process.

On Tuesday, shortly before 5pm, a 47-year-old man was standing on a northbound Northern Line platform at Tottenham Court Road Underground station when he suddenly became unwell.

He stumbled on the platform and fell onto the tracks - prompting an unknown bystander to jump onto the live rails and pull him safely back onto the platform.

The man was treated by paramedics at the scene before being taken to hospital, but received only light cuts and bruises and will make a full recovery.

Praising the work of the bystander, Superintendent Chris Horton, of British Transport Police, said: “Going onto the tracks is extremely dangerous but the bravery of this man has to be praised.

“The man sprung to the rescue and hauled him back onto the platform, whilst other commuters alerted the emergency services.

“While the approaching train was immediately put on a red signal, the quick thinking of him and other passengers on the platform avoided what could have been a tragedy.

“On behalf of everyone at British Transport Police, I'd like to commend this man for his brave actions – his quick thinking most likely saved the man's life.”

Police want to find the rescuer and recognise him for his courage.


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