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Labour leadership debate: Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith go head-to-head in two hour BBC hustings - as it happened

Samuel Osborne@SamuelOsborne93
Wednesday 17 August 2016 08:39
Jeremy Corbyn faces a challenge by Owen Smith to be elected Labour leader next month

Here are the latest updates in the Labour leadership debate:

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Jeremy Corbyn and Owen Smith are going head-to-head in a two hour hustings debate on the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme.

In a previous debate, Mr Smith accused Mr Corbyn of being "10 out of 10" for leaving the European Union.

The bitter debate saw Mr Smith heckled and booed by members of the audience when he mentioned the "disunity" in the Labour party's ranks.

In an attempt to calm tensions Mr Smith at one point directly addressed the audience and said: “We are not behaving like comrades to each other.”


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