Friends reunion: Matthew Perry has conflicting views on getting the gang back together

Firstly, he doesn't want to 'ruin' the show but then he admits 'it would be nice to go back and do more'

Jack Shepherd@JackJShepherd
Tuesday 22 March 2016 16:56

When the cast of Friends reunited earlier this year there was mass hysteria from fans, many of whom wanted some sort of announcement about a future season.

However, it was not meant to be as the gang - minus Matthew Perry - were there to celebrate the work of esteemed director James Burrows.

Unfortunately, any hope of a reunion has been rubbished by Perry in a recent interview, the actor saying he fears it could 'ruin' the classic show.

“That's the concern about doing a reunion show or a movie because it ended so well and we don't want to ruin that,” he said on ITV’s Good Morning. “Everybody always asks about a reunion and there's been no real talk of it.”

Conversely, Perry did admit that being on the show “was such a great job. We all loved each other so much and we all had such a great time that subsequent jobs have been harder to do than that one.”

Then, a glimmer of hope: “So yeah, I guess it would be nice to go back and do more because it was just so much fun.” Fingers crossed Friends fans.


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