Video shows aftermath of Brussels airport explosions

Brussels Airport explosion: Video shows aftermath of explosions in terminal building

Roof tiles are strewn across the floor of the abandoned terminal

Serina Sandhu
Tuesday 22 March 2016 10:54

Video footage showing the aftermath of the explosions which tore through the terminal building of Brussels Airport has emerged on social media.

Hundreds of roof tiles appear to have fallen down and lie strewn across the floor. Except for a few passengers, the area is deserted.

Two blasts were heard in the departure hall, one of which was near the American Airlines desk.

The Belgian news agency Belga said shots were fired and that shouts in Arabic could be heard before the explosions. Social media images and videos showed smoke rising from the building in the moments after.

Following the airport blasts, another explosion was heard at Maalbeek Metro station in Brussels, close to the EU institutions.

At least 26 people are reported dead and dozens more injured at the airport and the Metro station.

The terror level has been raised to the maximum level, the Belgian interior minister has said.

On its Twitter account, the airport said: “Don’t come to the airport – airport is being evacuated. Avoid the airport area.”

“Flights have been cancelled.”

On Friday, Salah Abdeslam, one of the suspects of the November Paris terror attacks which killed 130 people, was captured following a four-month manhunt.

Alex Rossi, from Sky News television, was at the airport and said that he heard two “very, very loud explosions”.

“I could feel the building move.”

“There was also dust and smoke as well… I went towards where the explosion came from and there were people coming out looking very dazed and shocked.”


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