'It's not gonna be ok': Former Trump aide Omarosa lifts lid on chaos in the White House

'It’s gonna not be ok. It’s not,' the former White House aide says

Emily Shugerman
New York
Thursday 08 February 2018 19:04
Omarosa reflects on her White House days on Big Brother: ‘I was haunted by tweets every single day’

Former Apprentice star turned former White House aide Omarosa Manigault has revealed her true thoughts about her time in the Trump administration on – what else? – a reality TV show.

Ms Manigault returned to the small screen as a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother, a reality show in which celebrities live in a house together and compete for a $250,000 grand prize. Ms Manigault announced she would be joining the show shortly after leaving the White House in December.

In a preview of the show released on Thursday, Ms Manigault is confronted by a fellow contestant who mines her for information about the White House.

“Should we be worried?” the contestant asks at one point.

Ms Manigault nods.

“Don’t say that!” the contestant responds. “Because we are worried but I need you to say, ‘No it’s going to be ok’.”

“No, it’s gonna not be ok. It’s not,” Ms Manigault says. She pauses before adding: “It’s so bad.”

At another point in the interview, Ms Manigault claims she was “haunted” by the President’s tweets during her White House tenure, constantly wondering: “What is he going to tweet next?”

Asked why she didn’t stop some of Mr Trump’s more erratic behaviour, Ms Manigault claimed she was “attacked” by people in his inner circle if she tried to intervene.

“It was like: ‘Keep her away from him, don’t give her access, don’t let her talk to him’,” she said.

Addressing the comments on Thursday, Deputy White House Press Secretary Raj Shah said Ms Manigault had "limited contact with the president when she was here, she has no contact now".

"Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice and this was the fourth time we let her go," he added.

It is unclear whether Ms Manigault left the White House voluntarily, or was asked to go. Multiple outlets reported she was unpopular in the West Wing and had received increasingly less access to the President in the months leading up to her departure..

In an interview after she left, however, Ms Manigault claimed she had seen things at the White House that made her feel “uncomfortable” as a black person.

“As the only African American woman in this White House as a senior staff and assistant to the President, I have seen things that have made me uncomfortable, that have upset me, that have affected me deeply and emotionally, that has affected my community and my people,” she told ABC’s Good Morning America.

Ms Manigault served as director of African-American outreach for the Trump campaign and later served as the top communications official at the White House Office of Public Liaison. She first worked with Mr Trump as a contestant on The Apprentice, the reality show he hosted before running for office.

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