John Oliver criticises Brett Kavanaugh hearing, calls the process 'deeply flawed'

TV host discussed the hearing in latest episode of 'Last Week Tonight'

Jack Shepherd@JackJShepherd
Tuesday 02 October 2018 12:10
John Oliver on Kavanaugh hearing: 'The scary thing is the committee believe her, but they just don’t care'

John Oliver decided to break from his usual formula of tackling multiple stories on Last Week Tonight, instead spending the entirety of Sunday night’s episode (30 September) discussing Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing.

Following Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony, in which she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, the Supreme Court nominee gave a wildly emotional response.

“[He] came straight out of the gate weird,” Oliver joked. “I hate to say it, but I’m starting to think men might be too emotional for the Supreme Court.”

Oliver went on to criticise Kavanaugh for being “outright hostile,” called the evidence offered ”wildly mischaracterised,” and pointed out how various widely recognised sexual euphemisms were dismissed as drinking games.

The late night host also spoke about Senator Lindsey Graham, who Oliver criticised for turning ”his performative disgust up to 10,” adding: “This process was deeply flawed but that’s because he and the Republican majority designed it that way.”

During the hearing, Kavanaugh labelled the accusations a "liberal conspiracy", in response to which Oliver commented: “Kavanaugh just all but came out and said that he’s about to approach his entire tenure as one giant case of ‘Me v The Giant Fucking Libtard Cucks’.”

Oliver added that, by the end of the hearing, America was left with the choice of siding with “the terrified psychology professor who blew up her entire life to relive her trauma on a national stage” or “Judge Animal House who seemed to be sweatily making up drinking games before members of the Senate.”

Concluding the episode, Oliver said that the case was particularly scary because, by the end of the week, it seemed the committee “believe her, but they just don’t care.”

He added that Kavanaugh will likely be elected onto the Supreme Court but that “we should never forget how that happened or what he represents”.

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