Sylvester Stallone hits out at Jack Whitehall’s joke claim that he ‘consoled’ actor after Oscar loss

Stallone says he's never even met the comedian, Whitehall disagrees

Olivia Blair@livblair
Thursday 31 March 2016 10:00
Jack Whitehall
Jack Whitehall

An incredibly unlikely ‘celebrity feud’ has formed after Whitehall made a few comments regarding Stallone losing out to Mark Rylance in the Best Supporting Actor category at the Academy Awards last month.

Whitehall, who attended the Governors Ball after-party following the awards, told the Daily Mirror: “I walked straight into Sylvester Stallone afterwards at the Governors Ball. I had to console him about missing out on his Oscar, telling him there was always next year. Or maybe if he did Creed 2 he might get a nod, I think it reassured him.

“Also, because he knew I was English, I had to tell him who Mark Rylance was. I talked him through all of Mark’s performances at the Globe theatre.”

Whitehall was referring to Rylance’s win for Bridge of Spies after Stallone had widely been tipped to win the award for Creed, especially considering he won the Golden Globe a few weeks before.

However, it seems the humour may have been lost on Stallone, potentially because a few media outlets appeared to report it without conveying that Whitehall, an established comedian, may well have been joking or embellishing a meet.

Stallone told his 1.6million Twitter followers he’d actually never met Whitehall and continued to ask on Instagram: “Why would anybody create insulting lies that only distort wonderful memories?”

Whitehall responded in typically Whitehall-fashion, apparently telling the Mail Online: “It’s sad Sly doesn’t remember me. Clearly I made very little impression. The same thing happened to me with Eamonn Holmes at the TV Choice Awards.”


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