Walking Dead creator backtracks on comments about Game of Thrones author George RR Martin

The graphic novel writer appeared to criticise the author earlier on this week

Jacob Stolworthy@Jacob_Stol
Saturday 04 June 2016 10:44

Earlier this week, the rivalry between hugely successful TV shows The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones intensified when the former's creator seemed to criticise the HBO series.

Robert Kirkman claimed that he was "disappointed" with Thrones author George R.R. Martin for allowing the TV series to overtake his source material.

Now, in a series of tweets, the writer has reneged on his comments, claiming that he

“‘Disappointed’ is probably the wrong word," he wrote. "I was just joking about how I would have handled that situation. Love GOT, love GRRM. George RR Martin is a far better writer than I’ll ever be. And I’m loving the new season of Game Of Thrones. It’s my favorite show on TV!”

Season six of Game of Thrones - the seventh episode of which will air tomorrow - is now covering events which are to occur in Martin's next novel, The Winds of Winter.

On the flipside, Kirkman has no plans for The Walking Dead TV series to take over his graphic novels; with 26 volumes now released, producers are reportedly planning to continue AMC's zombie drama for at least 12 seasons. The latest season finale saw the introduction of antagonist Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) whose presence marked the end of the road for one unfortunate character.

Kirkman has adapted another of his graphic novels into a television series, this one supernatural horror Outcast which stars Philip Glenister and Almost Famous actor Patrick Fugit. It will air weekly in the UK on Fox starting Tuesday 7 June.


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