The monotony of lockdown has given me no choice but to get away from it all – at least in my imagination

The only thing we can look forward to with any certainty is uncertainty. So why not fantasise instead, asks Jenny Eclair

Monday 18 May 2020 21:23
There won’t be any holidays abroad this year
There won’t be any holidays abroad this year

More than anything at the moment, I long for a change of scene. I’d like to wake up in a different bedroom, in crisper, cleaner, better-ironed sheets than my own; I’d also like to get in a different bath, preferably one I don’t have to scoop dead flying ants out of (we’ve had an invasion, long boring story).

I would like to wear some nice clothes, instead of the 10 casual, easy-wash, minimum-iron, top-and-bottom combos that I’ve had on rotation since March and I’d like to look out of the window and see something else.

Normally, my view doesn’t bother me, I’ve got a choice of three: main road and flats opposite; bins; or back garden – but after eight weeks, I’m fed up with them all. I want to look out on something else and ideally this would be the sea.

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