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Nicklas Bendtner admits he has lost more than £5m playing poker

The former Arsenal striker made the admission while staring on a Danish reality television show

Monday 18 May 2020 11:41

Former Arsenal striker Nicklas Bendtner has said that he has lost over £5m playing poker during his playing career.

Bendtner, who made over 100 appearances for Arsenal in the Premier League, is currently without a club after being released by Copenhagen last season.

The 32-year-old is instead starring in a reality television series with his girlfriend, fashion model Philine Roepstorff.

And on the show Bendter made the shocking admission that he had lost millions of pounds while playing Texas Hold’Em.

“I lost a lot of money, an unrealistic amount,” Bendtner said on Bendtner and Philine.

“It’s hard to say how much it was in reality, but I’d estimate that it was almost 50 million Korona (£5.4m).

“It was something that I was always in control of and I simply betted big sums of money.

“Sometimes in London, things would get out of control on a night and things could really have ended badly. Now I place smaller bets of 100 Korona (£12).”


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