Henrikh Mkhitaryan reveals issues Paul Pogba must overcome at Manchester United

Pogba has struggled to make an impression in the big games so far

Jack Austin@jackaustin_1
Saturday 04 February 2017 13:28
Mkhitaryan and Pogba both signed in the summer
Mkhitaryan and Pogba both signed in the summer

Henrikh Mkhitaryan has warned Manchester United’s Premier League rivals that Paul Pogba will become even better once he overcomes the hurdles in front of him.

Pogba made his £89m return to Old Trafford in a world-record transfer in the summer after three years in Italy with Juventus and has taken his time to settle in Jose Mourinho’s side.

His inconsistency has frustrated United fans so far, putting in world-class performances but following it up with a poor spell of form, especially in the big games.

However, Mkhitaryan believes once Pogba learns to manage expectations and not put pressure on himself to do everything and look like the £89m player he is he will begin to excel.

“He has a very big potential and I know he is able to do it much better because he is able to do it and he has showed us quite a lot,” Mkhitaryan told Sky Sports.

“He needs a little bit more time to adapt because it’s not very easy to be worth £89m.

“For him, it is a little bit hard because he is still 23 years old and maybe he is thinking he needs to do more than he’s doing but I know with the manager he is going to find the solution to solve it and he’s trying to do it already.

“Maybe people are waiting for something extraordinary from him, some miracles, but everyone has to know he’s a football player, a human being, so he just has to play the way he can play and he will do better.”


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